How to say it with your voice

von Jeffrey Jacobi


In this work a voice coach reveals his approach to voice control and the career and personal success it can bring. Research indicates that nearly 40% of all first impressions are based on the sound of the speaker's voice. A poor presentation can sabotage even the best ideas and intentions. Now Jeffrey Jacobi, a Julliard-trained voice coach, shows how anyone can gain a competitive edge by fully utilizing his or her natural speaking qualities. This book, with optional audio cassette, will guide readers step-by-step through self-tests, exercises and sample speeches that will help readers: develop a strong, clear, authoritative voice that projects an aura of power, confidence, and persuasiveness; overcome common speech problems like poor enunciation, rapid-fire speech, monotonous delivery and a nervous, shaky sound; eliminate other distracting and self-defeating speech problems that can often determine success or failure in business; and diminish accents.

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