I am the Gloryhunter: One Man's Quest for the Ultimate Football Season

von Spencer Austin


Spencer Austin became "the gloryhunter"—the ultimate football fan—for the entire 2008-09 football season. Starting randomly at Grimsby Town, Spencer transferred his allegiance to the winning team in each game he watched throughout the season. His travels took him the length and breadth of Britain and along the way he sought to fall back in love with his country by discovering real England from the nooks and crannies of clubs from Grimsby to Bournemouth, Scunthorpe to Swindon, Darlington to Brentford, Swindon to Luton to Chester and many more. During an incredible season in which he never lost a game Spencer scored the first goal at Brentford's (as yet unconstructed) new stadium, became Britain's northernmost cockney, took a bet from Stan Bowles, played football with girls (and took one in the nads for the team), and for no reason in particular, ate the grass from as many Football League pitches as he could. Now recognized through his antics as a major cult personality, I Am the Gloryhunter traces Spencer's incredible odyssey across the country as he sought the ultimate adrenalin junkie high of only supporting winning teams.

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