In Dubious Battle

Roman von John Steinbeck


In Dubious Battle is a novel by John Steinbeck, written in 1936. The central figure of the story is an activist for "the Party" who is organizing a major strike by fruit pickers, seeking thus to attract followers to his cause.
Prior to publication, Steinbeck wrote in a letter:
This is the first time I have felt that I could take the time to write and also that I had anything to say to anything except my manuscript book. You remember that I had an idea that I was going to write the autobiography of a Communist. ... There lay the trouble. I had planned to write a journalistic account of a strike. But as I thought of it as fiction the thing got bigger and bigger. It couldn't be that. I've been living with this thing for some time now. I don't know how much I have got over, but I have used a small strike in an orchard valley as the symbol of man's eternal, bitter warfare with himself.



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