No-Limit Texas Hold'em: A Complete Course

von Angel Largay


?Thousands have paid big bucks to learn winning poker strategies from Angel Largay one of the world’s most consistent winners in maximum buy-in no-limit games. Now, Largay offers a wider audience his poker teaching expertise in No-Limit Texas Hold’em. Although millions play, only a few have the skill to cash in on the explosion fueled by maximum buy-in no-limit games. Whether you’re a novice or a veteran, an online player, casino regular, or home game specialist, Largay’s progressive teaching method takes you step-by-step through the intricacies of the game. Largay shows students what works and what doesn’t, common mistakes, and how to get beyond them. Today, many of his students are full-time professional players. If you’re aspiring to become a professional or simply to play like one No-Limit Texas Hold’em will help you make it happen.

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