Open Source Database Driven Web Development: A Guide for Information Professionals (Information Professional S.)

von Isaac Hunter Dunlap


Almost every organization seeks a simple means of managing, publishing and/or providing searchable web access to information. Written by a knowledgeable web developer, this book demonstrates the simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and versatility of designing database driven web applications with Open Source resources. Case studies of ‘real world’ implementations address both theoretical aspects and practical considerations of developing applications with the easy-to-use PHP scripting language and powerful MySQL relational database. Project organization and design issues are considered along with basic coding examples, accessibility standards and implementation advice.
  • Introduces popular Open Source database tools (MySQL/PHP) and basic development skills, bringing database driven technology within the reach of any web developer
  • Explores strategies for improving content management, web publishing and information access
  • Uses non-technical language and presents seven university library web database case studies

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