Organized Crime: The Unvarnished Truth About Government

von Thomas J. DiLorenzo


Politics and thieves, coercion and regulation, fascism and the Fed, centralization and liberty, workers and unions, trade and freedom, free-market
achievements and government disasters in American history-this book covers it all!

Organized Crime
collection of essays in the tradition of Austrian political economy-a combination of applied economics and the study of governmental reality.
Unlike "mainstream" economists who are content to spin mathematical model after mathematical model which explain little or nothing about the real world,
DiLorenzo's focus has always been just the opposite-to use economic understanding to gain a better understanding of how the political-economic world works.
Austrian economics is indispensable to succeed at this task.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo strips away the vast apparatus of establishment propaganda and
exposes the government smokescreen. No statist lies are safe from his scrutiny. In his straightforward and methodical approach to uncovering truths of
freedom, liberty has a champion.

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