Threshold: The Progressive Plan to Pull America Back from the Brink

von Thom Hartmann


From America's #1 progressive radio host, the idealogical heir to his influential The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight

More than three million listeners tune in every weekday to hear what Thom Hartmann has to say about the state of our world. Now, as the first decade of the twenty-first century closes amid economic collapse and the seeming ruin of the American Dream, America's #1 rated progressive radio host sounds an urgent call to arms for building a better, more sustainable world-while there's still time. Offering not just an indictment of the failures that have courted economic, demographic, and environmental ruin, Hartmann also outlines five critical personal and policy solutions to bring us back from the brink. Threshold-like Jared Diamond's Collapse-is radical but rooted in common sense, illuminating the necessary next steps in the evolution of mainstream thinking.

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