Wie Innenarchitekten wohnen

von Dominic Bradbury, Mark Luscombe-Whyte


Designers at Home is the first book to take the camera inside the homes of some of the most influential interior designers in the world to see how they live. Around twenty of the best-known names in European interior design, such as Kelly Hoppen, John Minshaw, Frederic Mechiche and Andree Putman open their doors as we reveal the stylish secrets of their homes and how they reflect the way they think about and approach interior space and light. Divided into three major sections, Designers at Home explores the major trends of today. It begins with New Classic, continues with Fusion and finishes with Modern, plus a list of designer contacts and a directory of key fabric, wallpaper and furnishings suppliers. Specially commissioned photography by exceptional interiors photographer Mark Luscombe Whyte reveals each personal space in a fresh and inspirational way. Designers at Home is an invaluable sourcebook for those searching for innovative ideas, a survey of the spectrum of style that exists in contemporary interior design completed by a directory of the key designers practising and sought after today.

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