Your Living Trust and Estate Plan: How to Maximize Your Family's Assets and Protect Your Loved Ones

von Harvey J. Platt


This completely up-to-date guide explains the latest strategies for using a living trust to create a flexible estate plan. The author clearly and concisely discusses the effects of The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the fundamentals of estate, financial, and tax planning in easy-to-understand terms, mapping out effective techniques for saving money and property, and including important subjects not covered in other books (such as estate planning for the HIV positive). Readers will learn strategies for reducing probate costs, creating flexible estate plans, and planning for disability. This valuable planning tool will make its readers more informed participants in the estate-planning process, pointing out the dangers of the “do-it-yourself” guides and reducing the risks involved in establishing a living trust. A glossary of significant legal terms is included.

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