Shelf life

Novela por Robert Corbet


On aisle 1, Louisa's crying.
On aisle 2, Adam's trying to get fired.
On aisle 4, a renegade shopper is releasing the fizz from soda bottles.
At the service counter, an irate customer can't understand why his Long Life Milk went bad after a few years.

Working at the supermarket isn't exactly glamorous, but the teens on the staff have a lot of tasty secrets: like the fact that Adam decides to stick it out a while once he sees the very pretty Employee of the Month. Under the harsh glare of the fluorescent lights, the staff, as different as the products they unpack and arrange, unite against demanding customers and try to amuse each other until punch-out time.

In between the shelves, you'll discover romance, humor, and other realities of life in the fast aisle. Shelf- Life is a red-hot special that belongs in your shopping cart.

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