The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment

por Adyashanti


More and more people today have had a glimpse of genuine spiritual awakening, only to see it slip away after a few hours or days. Adyashanti calls this the "I got it/I lost it" phenomenon, and it perplexes many of his students. For those caught between what he calls "non-abiding" awakening and the ultimate state of "abiding" enlightenment, Adyashanti offers The End of Your World--an in-depth look at the remarkable yet enigmatic process of spiritual awakening. With straight talk and penetrating insight, Adyashanti helps readers navigate the pitfalls and cul-de-sacs that "un-enlighten" us along the journey, including: The trap of meaninglessness How the ego can "co-opt" realization for its own purposes The illusion of superiority that may accompany intense spiritual breakthroughs The danger of becoming "drunk on emptiness". "I often ask people who come to me, `Are you ready to lose your world?", explains Adyashanti, "Because true awakening will not fit into the world as you imagine it or the self you imagine yourself to be." Covering a range of topics ordinarily kept private between student and teacher, The End of Your World invites you to join Adyashanti for an honest investigation of what you really are--and how to live when you discover it.

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