image of Stefan Zweig

Stefan Zweig

* November 28, 1881 in Austria - † February 23, 1942 in Brazil
... Unknown

In Twenty-four Hours in the Life of a Woman, the dramatic disappearance of the wife of a wealthy businessman from a small hotel on the French Riviera prompts a distinguished English widow to recount her fleeting encounter with a young aristocrat many years before in Monte Carlo. In The Royal Game, a tantalizing …

... Unknown
... Unknown
... Unknown

Compulsion, In the Snow and Wondrak all concern Zweig's strong anti-war feelings following the First World War. The artist Ferdinand, central figure of Compulsion, partly reflects Zweig's own experience. In The Snow tells of the plight of a group of Jews who freeze to death while trying to escape a medieval pogrom. In …

... Unknown

Edebiyat tarihinin büyük isimlerinden Stefan Zweig, ac? dolu gelece?i öngören duyarl?l???yla 20. yüzy?l Avrupas?'na damgas?n? vurmu? bir ayd?nd?.Hayat?n Mucizeleri, Stefan Zweig'?n Birinci Dünya Sava?? öncesinden ?kinci Dünya Sava?? sonras?na kadar yay?mlanm?? öykülerini bir araya getiren bir seçki. Psikolojik …