Midnight Fantasies: Mystery Lover, After Hours, Show and Tell

Roman von Kimberly Raye, Stephanie Bond, Vicki Lewis Thompson


Note: This book was originally published in 2001.

Fantasy #1... MYSTERY LOVER--Vicki Lewis Thompson

When an unexpected storm hits, rancher Jonas Garfield takes cover in a nearby cave...and finds himself seduced senseless by an enigmatic temptress who refuses to tell him her name. All he knows is that this sexy woman wants him. And for Jonas, that's enough--for now...

Fantasy #2... AFTER HOURS--Stephanie Bond

Michael Pierce has always considered costume shop owner Rebecca Valentine no more than an associate--until he drops by her shop one night and witnesses the mousy wallflower's transformation into a seductive siren. Suddenly, he's desperate to know her much better. But which woman is the real Rebecca?

Fantasy #3... SHOW AND TELL--Kimberly Raye

A naughty lingerie party. A forbidden fantasy. When Texas bad boy Dallas Jericho finds a slip of paper left over from the party, he is surprised--and aroused--to discover that he is good girl Laney Merriweather's wildest fantasy. So what can he do but show the lady what she's been missing...

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