Delta Force. Im Einsatz gegen den Terror.

Memoiren von Eric Lee Haney


Inside Delta Force: The Story of America's Elite Counterterrorist Unit is a 2002 memoir written by Eric L. Haney about his experiences as a founding special forces operator in the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta the U.S. Army's counterterrorist unit. Haney recounts the formation and early operations of the unit, as well as his own recruitment, selection and training. Haney also evaluates the impact of inter-service rivalries and potential overlap created when Delta Force was formed, including the challenges of dealing with the Central Intelligence Agency. Central to the book is Haney's participation in Delta Force's first operation – the aborted 1980 Desert One mission to Iran to free American hostages.
Inside Delta Force formed the inspiration for the CBS television series The Unit, in which Haney was involved as a writer, producer, and technical advisor.



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